Menotti: Amahl and the Night Visitors

Opera by Request & No Strings Theatre present two performances of Giancarlo Menotti’s Christmas opera, Amahl and the Night Visitors, Saturday, January 11th, 3:00pm and 7:00pm, Lawrence Park Community Church, 2180 Bayview Avenue. Tickets $35.00 (general) and $20.00 (student).

Amahl……………………..Zev Stone
His Mother……………….Denise Williams
King Kaspar……………..Melody Bell (3 PM), Hubert Razack (7 PM)
King Melchior……………Paul Winkelmans
King Balthazar…………..Henry Irwin
The Page…………………Jamie Collin (3 PM), John Darrigo (7 PM)

Featuring a full chorus, dancers, and oboist Hazel Boyle.

William Shookhoff, pianist and music director
Kathleen Mills, director

Tickets available in person or online.