Opera by Request presents a semi-staged performance of Kurt Weill’s Street Scene, Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3, 7:30 pm, College St. United Church, 452 College St. (Bathurst). All tickets $20.00. Phone 416 455-2365 for reservations and information. A large cast of singers, dancers and children are headed by:
Shannon Mills, soprano………………..Rose Maurrant
Kellie Masalas, soprano…………….Anna Maurrant
Austin Larusson, baritone……………..Frank Maurrant
Avery Krisman, tenor…………………….Sam Kaplan
Aaron Durand, baritone……………………Abraham Kaplan
Deena Nicklefork, soprano…………….Olga Olsen
Jay Lambie, tenor………………………….George Jones
Will Ford, tenor…………………………….Lippo Fiorentino
William Shookhoff, music director and pianist